How I Store My Craft Punches

In this sixth post in my “Storage Series” I share how I store my craft punches.

I have Stampin’ Up! punches (exclusively) in two different “body” styles. The older style, or “whale tail” is stored like this:


I LOVE storing my punches like this! I stole the idea from another demonstrator years ago. I especially appreciate how easy they are to access and see what I have. I have labeled each pocket, just so I can be sure to put the punches back where they belong.


My newer body style punches are stored in my top dresser drawer in another wire basket from the dollar area at Target. My smallest punches are inside (you guessed it!) another Iris container! I will likely outgrow this storage space and need to resort to another plan soon. I’m actually considering re-doing my entire craft area in order to maximize space and attempt to keep ALL of my supplies in my craft room so that I won’t have to run between the craft area and my office to get supplies.

I’ve seen a bunch of really great storage for punches. How do YOU store your punches? Tell us in the comments!

I sincerely hope you’ve enjoyed my “Storage Series” and learned some new ideas. I’ll update as I make changes. As I’ve said before, you have to work with the space you have and the ideas that work best for you, your space, and your budget. Let me know if you have any questions!